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Ethics and Conduct

The objective of the Code of Ethics and Conduct is to keep the guidelines and behaviors that determine the way in which we should conduct ourselves and carry out our day-to-day activities at the disposal of our collaborators .

Thus, this code is the document that formally establishes our ethical principles, values, commitments, our vision and philosophy, etc., unifying criteria to establish the main line by which we conduct ourselves and act honestly. and comprehensive giving value to everyone who maintains a relationship with Alamex .


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Because we constantly face changes in the business world, we ensure that the code is always kept up to date in accordance with the objectives and culture of the organization to guarantee the competence we have to face these changes, following the reference framework that we provide. governs and thus reinforces trust with our shareholders, collaborators, clients, suppliers and all those subjects with whom we have direct contact.

Alamex is a company with a worldwide presence, therefore, this Code of Ethics and Conduct is applicable and mandatory for all employees of the organization in any part of the world, always respecting diversity and different cultures and customs; in the same way, we seek and invite people from the environment in which we interact to behave under the same premise.

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In accordance with the foregoing, we assume that the Code of Ethics and Conduct is equivalent to the commitment of each of the organization's collaborators to respect and continuously apply everything that is established in the code, reflecting in each of their activities the culture and vision of the Alamex Family .

Alamex Code of Ethics and Conduct

Download our corporate Code of Ethics and Conduct brochure to get to know Alamex.


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